Chamonix: Art… as a link

An original way of forging new cross-border links: Anne-Chantal Cheseaux-Cina from the Valais is exhibiting her paintings at the Hôtel Best Mont-Blanc in Chamonix.

Through the synergies developed by the activity of our cross-border journal between France, Switzerland and Italy, we have noted a certain interest on the part of artists from these three neighbouring countries in making their work known beyond the national border.

A Valais woman in Chamonix

Painter Anne-Chantal Cheseaux-Cina is one of these artists. The exhibition space at Chamonix’s Hôtel Best Mont-Blanc is currently home to paintings by this talented Valais artist. This exhibition, produced with the support of Alp-Info and the Groupe Culturel International, was made possible thanks to contacts established with Ms. Jany Couttet, the city councillor responsible for culture in the town at the foot of Mont Blanc. Anne- Chantal Cheseaux-Cina, an engaging artist who has already unveiled her art on several occasions in Valais, accepted this “cross-border” challenge with great enthusiasm.

Meeting with a “polyhedral” artist

Born in Saint-Léonard in 1976, Anne-Chantal Cheseaux-Cina has been painting since her early teens. For the past 3 years, she has shown her work in solo and group exhibitions in the Valais region. A multi-faceted artist at the crossroads of figuration and abstraction, some of her canvases reveal female bodies, while others depict musical scores or African atmospheres.

Interview with a passionate painter

How did your vocation for painting come about?

As a child, I loved watching my dad carve wood in his workshop. I wanted to imitate him. Creation appealed to me. However, I chose to train as a teacher. Today, as a teacher, I try to pass on to my pupils a taste for painting and theater. These activities develop self-confidence, an important character trait for integration into today’s society.

What are your sources of inspiration?

People, events and nature surround me.

The paintings are as different from each other as the people and encounters I have.

You prefer the abstract to the figurative. Do you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve when you start a painting?

My notebook follows me everywhere and allows me to sketch a lot of elements. Then, in my studio, I use these sketches to define materials, contours and colors before starting on my canvases.

What media do you prefer?

Over the years, I’ve developed new techniques. In the beginning, I used watercolour, then acrylic and Indian ink. I started working with oils 5 years ago and I’ve been exhibiting for 3 years now. This summer, I attended seminars at the Ecole Cantonale d’Art du Valais in Sierre, where I produced aquateintes that I’ll be presenting in Chamonix.

This exhibition in Chamonix is the first time you’ve “exported” your paintings. Do you have any other similar projects in the pipeline?

An exhibition is planned in Italy. In 2006, I’ll be back in Chamonix in the salons of the Casino. Two exhibitions are also planned in Valais, one in the centre of Sion and the other in Champéry.

Exhibition open daily until November 5 at the Hôtel du Mont-Blanc, Avenue du Majestic, Chamonix.

Gaëlle Métrailler
InfoAlp – Valais, 01.09.2005 13:54

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